White Rabbit Skincare
White Rabbit is founded on the belief that skincare should be as natural and skin-friendly as possible, and never tested on our furry friends.
Each carefully crafted, handmade skincare item offers a solution to different skin types, whether it be sensitive, mature, dry, oily, combination. White Rabbit also tailor products to suit your skin which I think is absolutely fantastic. It’s rare to find a beauty brand who tailor makes products specifically to suit you.
The owner of WhiteRabbit Skincare tells me how the brand got started which I think is just fantastic:
I have always, unfortunately, suffered from psoriasis which it is also irritated by chemical-laden skin products. Therefore as a result of this, I have always had an interest in natural skin products, and as well as buying products from other companies, I had “dabbled” in making my own skincare for a few years.
I am also deeply passionate about animal welfare, and always try to ensure that everything I buy (from toothpaste to kitchen cleaner!) is cruelty free. Unfortunately the number of truly cruelty free companies out there particularly on the high street, is currently rather limited. So, I thought what better way to know what i’m putting on my skin, and to guarantee that such products are not tested on animals than to actually make them myself?
I started off last Christmas by making my sister a hamper of various different products that I had been making/using myself and which I thought others would be interested in using. Then various different people started asking me to make a face cream here, a cleanser there, and I set up the White Rabbit Skincare Facebook page as a central “communication point.” Then the rest, as they say, is history! I have actually been genuinely astounded at the amount of enthusiasm and interest in handmade, naturally-based, cruelty free skincare, and I am really pleased that others want to make the move towards such a lifestyle.
When receiving these lovingly made products the first thing I noticed when I opened the lids was the amazing scents that came out of them! Like a sweet shop in a bottle, especially the Lime and Coconut toner! All of the products smell so good and the personalise touch is quite clear!
The owner of the brand told me on Twitter that she learnt to make these skincare products from a book, she’s self taught and certainly incredibly impressed by the quality of the products in the blue bottles.
Rose & Frankincense Day Cream
This beautiful product not only smells so tasty, it works really well to add a radiant glow to the skin. I used this just before putting on makeup and used it as a primer as well as a moisturising day cream. It’s Anti-Ageing also so extra bonus points there to keep any winkles at bay 😉
Hand & Body Lotion
This rich formula has been beautifully hand crafted to suit all skin tones, it leaves the skin feeling ever so smooth! I found it particularly useful to use on the elbows and rough knees! It really left skin feeling soothed and perfect after you’ve shaved your legs in the bath. It’s very much like a body butter. I would certainly rate this product higher than some of the top named brands on the high street because the smell is so beautiful and the quality of the products is very high.
Certainly a recommended try to anybody who loves natural products and beautiful scents!
Lime and Coconut Cleanser
You will LOVE this product! It smells so beautiful, it’s the “I just walked into a candy shop and I don’t want to leave” smell. It’s very moorish! This cleanser really did compliment my skin, it’s a cleansing milk so white in texture and slightly thicker compared to regular cleansers, so it really does act well to cleanse the skin! Please do try it for yourself and let me know what you think?
White Rabbit’s Top 10 Skincare Tips!
1. Healthy skin really does come from within: there’s a clear connection between healthy organs and glowing skin – lemons support your liver and kidneys (why not try lemon juice in hot water first thing in the morning?), and vitamin C rich fruits such as oranges can help prevent wrinkles too!
2. Massage in your cleanser and moisturiser in a firm, circular motion. As well as breaking down makeup, dirt etc in conjunction with your cleanser, it kicks your circulation into gear, doubling up the benefits when you apply your moisturiser!
3. Make sure to exfoliate your skin at least once a week. If you don’t, dead skin cells will build up, leaving you with a dull complexion – and any skincare you apply on top won’t have any effect as it isn’t reaching the live skin underneath! You don’t have to go in with a heavy duty exfoliator – simply removing cleanser with a damp face cloth counts as exfoliation.
4. Learn to love oils – even if you have oily skin, as using oil-based products can actually improve your epidermis’ condition. Traditionally we – especially those of us with oily skin – tend to over clean skin, which in turn stimulates the skin’s sebum glands and thus over-produce oil. Using oil on your skin therefore has the opposite effect!
5. (following on from no.4) Moisturisation is a must – no matter what your skin type. Constant evaporation of water from the skin’s surface happens during the day, therefore we need to replenish it, to prevent your skin drying out.
6. Don’t wash/touch your face until you’ve washed your hands, and if you are using a face cloth, try and use a new/fresh one every time.
7. Remember your toner! Many people skip this step out, but a toner actually prepares your skin to accept moisturiser better, as well as removing any last traces of cleanser.
8. Smooth a little eye cream round your lips every day. The skin around your lips, like the area around your eyes, is very delicate and requires extra care.
9. Double cleanse your face for the best results. Remove makeup in the first step – you could use the same cleanser in both steps, but I use White Rabbit’s Lime and Coconut Cleansing water, which is as easy as using a cleansing wipe, but better for your skin! – and then follow up with a cleanser formulated to give soothing, rejuvenating effects.
10. Apply serums and creams around the back of the neck, on the ears and even onto the earlobes. These are the areas that jowls originate from!
To find out more about Rabbit Skincare please visit